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What We Do

Non-prejudicial and non-judgemental support, help and information for young parents and families who have lost a baby, toddler or child.

Allowing all grieving parents to feel their child is comfortable which will lead to fabulous Moses baskets been provided or resting caskets(etc) but also that there is support for the parents and families that are grieving or that have been bereaved. Providing comfort teddies for resting angels or to the families to remember their angel baby or child. Support and general help with care and resources required after the loss of a baby or child. 

Providing general help and the support that’s needed after the death and loss of a baby or toddler. As well as all this one main aim is also to petition for and to help fund the training and teaching for all nurses/Doctors to be updated with all symptoms/diagnoses, so they know how to best help and treat a baby, toddler or child.

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